November 20, 2017
Looking for some small gifts for your sewing friends (or yourself)? We have some suggestions for fun and unique things in our store that make perfect stocking stuffers and sewing-friend presents. And, did I mention these are all less than $20 . . . ?
Pattern Tracing Fabric (Swedish Tracing Paper) and Removable Tape. These two are wonderful for any sewist (or sewer?), making pattern tracing and drafting so much easier! I use these for nearly all of my sewing projects.
Asian Knot Templates: button, tear-drop, flower. With these three templates, anyone can make buttons, embellishments, zipper pulls, tassels, and other fun finishes for sewing projects.
Bias Tape Makers: Make your own 1/4", 1/2", or 3/4" bias tape from your own fabric with these nifty little bias tape makers. I love my bias tape maker and use it all the time to make beautiful edge finishes or ribbons with my favorite fabrics.
Organic Eri Silk Embroidery Thread: A beautiful embroidery thread that is perfect for handwork on any garments (especially Folkwear!). And feel good about using organic silk that has been naturally dyed! Comes in madder red and indigo blue - from Botanica Tinctoria.
Fun patterns to give as gifts:
109 Little Folks - for anyone expecting a baby (or grandbaby or niece or nephew) in the next year. Give this with a yard of special fabric and sweet trim = perfect (and really fun) gift!
129A Japanese Tabi - a fun and unusual pattern. Great for men or women! Again, include some interesting fabric (less that 1 yard is needed) for a fun present.
269 Metropolitan Hat - hat patterns are always a good bet, especially for a friend who loves them. Include a fun hat embellishment (one that you made, perhaps) to complete this gift.
February 06, 2025 1 Comment on Gifts for the Sewist