May 06, 2021 4 Comments on Last Minute Mother's Day Ideas
May 10, 2021
Yes, Heidi – so many people learned to sew by themselves, and not from a “mother”. My grandmother taught me the basics, but a cousin helped me learn how to use patterns. And my grandmother, who was an impressive seamstress, learned from her father. We can be our own “sewing moms”, and they can come to us in many forms (fathers, aunts, friends, and including YouTube strangers!).
May 09, 2021
Funny how you assume people had a “sewing mom” what about people who found it on their own, learned it on their own, and grew without the help of others on their own. So I give thanks to myself for learning how to sew
May 06, 2021
You have a great apron pattern that would work for Mother’s Day too
August 17, 2024 1 Comment on Last Minute Mother's Day Ideas
February 15, 2024
I was slightly giggling over the notion that this article involved any “assumptions”, due to the context: if your mother or grandmother doesn’t sew, it is unlikely that you’d be looking for mother’s day ideas on a website selling sewing patterns!
I’m really glad people are finding other sources of learning sewing and so forth: I grew up with the most absurd tendency in my educational environment to despise all traditionally feminine crafts. I would argue this is an odd but common failing of feminism: that is, it tends to swallow masculine cultural values hook, line, and sinker, and demand women do traditionally male things to be of any value, rather than advocating for choice of task in rejecting sex-stereotyping (why shouldn’t boys piece quilts if they want) and for putting equal value on traditionally feminine things (spinning the yarn for the sails is as important as hewing the wood for the mast, nursing the baby and cooking the meal is as important as catching the fish and ploughing the field). I only learned to sew and knit at all because my mother and grandmothers were able to teach me. :-) If this is a stereotype it must be just about the only one I fit, though ;-) – I’m a masters’ student in theology with a first degree in philosophy and I sew many of my own clothes because (a) I have rather unusual proportions and nothing fits, and, (b), I intensely dislike the values that seem to drive modern fashion and prefer to choose my own style. This website is amazing – I’m loving all the ideas and instructions. :-D