April 17, 2017
Kimonos are a beautiful and classic garment of Japanese origin and influence. The Folkwear Kimono pattern is for the yukata, or unlined informal kimono, worn by all classes of Japanese in summer. The word "kimono" literally means "clothing" but has come to distinguish the Japanese national costume from other clothes.
Kimonos are great garments to be used as robes, house coats, jackets, or outwear. They can be statement pieces or simple and elegant garments. Kimonos can be made with beautiful silks, medium to lightweight cottons (cotton gauze is a favorite of mine right now)., or even heavier fabrics like denim or brocade.
I found a great book in our collection entitled Kimono Inspiration: Art and Art-to-Wear in America, from the Textile Museum at George Washington University. I've put some pictures from the book on our Facebook and Instagram accounts. If you want to know more about the history and tradition of kimonos, as well as see some amazing artistic interpretations of them, you should check out this book. Kimonos can be a canvas for your art - quilting, painting, dying, embroidery, weaving, etc.
Traditional kimonos are a work of art themselves, so however you want to make one (traditional interpretation or modern art interpretation), it is a rewarding garment to make.
In our kimono pattern, we give information on the history and use of the kimono, styling and dress information, and instructions for traditional handwork (sashiko) and dyeing (shibori).
Have you ever made a kimono? What would you be inspired to make now?
** FYI, #113 Japanese Kimono is on sale for all of April (it is a great deal). Enjoy! **
January 24, 2025 2 Comments on Kimono Inspiration